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Discovery in Arbitration: What Employment Litigators Need to Know Now

Discovery in Arbitration: What Employment Litigators Need to Know Now

Presented by Orange County Bar Association Labor & Employment Law Section

Webinar CLE Credit: 1.25 Hours CLE Credit
Do you want to level up your arbitration skills? Get the edge over your opposing counsel with some arbitration-specific discovery strategies? Join this meeting to get the latest legal developments and best practices for discovery in arbitration. Attendees will be treated to candid insights from an arbitrator and practical tips from defense and plaintiff-side employment litigators. Hot topics our speakers will address include: establishing the applicable rules, defining the scope of discovery, and skillfully handling third-party discovery issues. Litigators at all levels of experience will learn techniques to optimize their clients’ use of discovery in arbitration.


Ellen Connelly Cohen, Esq. | Call & Jensen  
Tamara S. Freeze, Esq. | Workplace Justice Advocates

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