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Filing your case with JAMS
Please select the appropriate ADR process to submit your case online.
Filing your case with JAMS
To submit a case, you will log in to your JAMS Access account. If you do not have JAMS Access, please create an account.
Accessibility requests should be submitted to Sarah Nevins at SNevins@jamsadr.com.
Please specify case type below:
Click the button below to submit the Demand for Arbitration (North America).
To initiate an International Demand for Arbitration, please download this form.
To schedule a Mediation please use the Mediation case submission form.
CONTINUETo schedule a Neutral Analysis please use the Neutral Analysis case submission form.
CONTINUETo schedule a Court-Appointed Neutral (Referee/Special Master) please use the Court-Appointed Neutral case submission form.
CONTINUEJAMS Pathways addresses internal challenges and conflicts that can keep organizations from reaching their goals. You can learn more about our service offerings at JAMS Pathways. The button below will redirect you to contact page form.
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By pressing Continue, you agree to be redirected to the JAMS Access website.
Have a question?
Call JAMS at 800.352.5267 (Monday - Friday 7AM - 5PM), or send us a message below.