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2015 Mediation Webinar Series, Part 2

2015 Mediation Webinar Series, Part 2

2015 Mediation Webinar Series, Part 2
Sponsored By:
ABA Section of Dispute Resolution
July 23, 2015
Spotlight on JAMS Speaker: Lawrence Mills, Esq.
Topic: The All Important Preliminary Arbitration Hearing Essentials, for Both Advocates and Neutrals

This program will explore reasons why the preliminary hearing is important. Faculty will also provide insight on how to run or participate in a successful preliminary hearing. Some important questions that will be posed include: What should the arbitrator and counsel each be trying to accomplish? Who should attend and why? What are the major subjects that should be covered, and how? How do you keep discovery under control while permitting the parties to get the information they need? There will also be discussion on issues involving depositions, motions, witness and expert testimony and the importance of the Case Management Order.

For contact information and to register, please visit the webinar event page by clicking here.

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