Presented by the Washington State Bar Association and
the University of Washington School of Law
Spotlight on JAMS Speakers: Lawrence Mills, Esq. and Hon. Eric
Topic: Puffing,
Friday, March 29, 2013 | 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
This session features a practical discussion about truth in negotiation. Experienced panelists will present
Spotlight on JAMS Speaker: Hon. Wayne Brazil (Ret.)
Topic: Helping Parties Find Resolution: The Effect of Role and Voice in Mediation
Saturday, March 30, 2013 | 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
In this moderated discussion, two former federal judges turned mediators will discuss how their views on mediation have evolved as they have transitioned from the judiciary to private practice. Topics explored will include how to set the tone for a mediation, how to decide how directive or facilitative to be and where they look to the lawyers in the case for help. Audience questions and participation will be encouraged.
Spotlight on JAMS Speaker: Hon. Terry Lukens (Ret.)
Topic: Risky Business
Saturday, March 30, 2013 | 10:10 - 11:15 a.m.
The evaluation of risk is an essential part of the mediation process. But risk analysis must be undertaken at the right time and under the right conditions to be productive in any given case. Through an interactive conversation with the audience that will include specific case examples, Tom Harris and Judge Lukens will discuss how to appropriately and effectively engage in risk analysis without alienating the parties or derailing the mediation.
Spotlight on JAMS Speaker: Hon. Wayne Brazil (Ret.)
Topic: Reciprocal Coaching to Avoid False Failure
Mediation works best if all participants are working to keep the process on track. In this
March 29-30, 2013
University of Washington School of Law
William H. Gates Hall
Seattle, WA 98195