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JAMS Seattle Mediation Week CLE Programs and Reception

JAMS Seattle Mediation Week CLE Programs and Reception

JAMS Seattle Mediation Week CLE Programs and Reception
Sponsored by: JAMS
October 14, 2014
Spotlight on JAMS Presenters: Hon. Eric Watness (Ret.), Hon. Thomas McPhee (Ret.), and Hon. Terry Lukens (Ret.)

Join JAMS Seattle – in our newly renovated office – as we highlight the Section of Dispute Resolution of the ABA’s 2014 Mediation Week.  This year’s theme is “From Rookie to Veteran, Exploring the Spectrum of Mediation,” so we invite you to hear from some of the newer additions to our panel speak about mediation and ADR and to celebrate the retirement of veteran neutrals, Judge Robert Peterson, Judge Robert Doran and Judge Gerard Shellan. 

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Session 1
Ethical Dilemmas in ADR, Applied for 1.0 Ethics CLE Credit
JAMS Presenter:  Hon. Eric Watness (Ret.)

Advocacy and zealous representation of clients can sometimes create challenging or conflicting situations.  This program will explore the Ethical boundaries of those situations and will give practical tips on dealing with those situations.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Session 2
Effective use of ADR in Employment Disputes, Applied for 1.0 General CLE Credit
JAMS Presenter: Hon. Thomas McPhee (Ret.) and Hon. Terry Lukens (Ret.)

Hear experienced neutrals discussed how best to use ADR in employment disputes.  Topics covered will include pre-filing mediation, customization of the arbitration process, and effective advocacy in employment mediations.  

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Client Reception & Open House

Three esteemed panelists, with more than 20 years each with JAMS, will be retiring this fall. We say farewell to Judge Robert Peterson, Judge Robert Doran and Judge Gerard Shellan and wish them well in retirement.  

Our Resolution Center makeover includes new furnishings, 1,900 more square feet and 3 more conference rooms, allowing us to accommodate the demand we have had over the years for more space.  We hope you can come see our new space and celebrate the many exciting things we have going on in JAMS Seattle!

Register now!

JAMS Seattle Resolution Center
600 University Street
Suite 1910
Seattle, WA 98101

Featured People

Comm. Eric B. Watness (Ret.)
  • Business Commercial
  • Construction Defect
  • Education Law
  • Employment Law
  • Estate Probate Trusts
  • Family Law
  • Governmental & Public Agency
  • American Indian Tribal Law
  • Insurance
  • Personal Injury
  • Professional Liability
  • Real Property
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