JAMS and the Atlanta Bar Association are pleased to host a morning of CLE. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served.
Attend all three sessions or your choice of individual sessions!
Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration
8:30 - 9:45 a.m. (1 CLE/1 Trial Practice/1 Professionalism)
Panelists will explore trends and challenges in resolving international commercial disputes:
- Why Businesses Use Arbitration for Cross-Border Disputes and How They Draft Arbitration Agreements – Glenn Hendrix, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
- Perspectives of In-House Counsel – Tony Walsh, GE Energy
- Is International Arbitration Different from U.S. Domestic Arbitration? – Brian White, King & Spalding LLP
- Fast Tracking and Other Time and Cost Saving Measures – John Hinchey, JAMS
- Moderator: Joan Grafstein, JAMS
Recommended Approaches for Getting Derailed Cases Back on Track
10:00 - 11:15 a.m. (1 CLE/1 Professionalism)
Panelists will explore techniques for resolving legal disputes in a timely and cost-efficient fashion, identifying top reasons cases become derailed, and providing strategies for addressing these challenges.
- Moderator: Hon. Brenda H. Cole (Retired), JAMS
- V. Robert Denham, Jr., Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP
- Hon. Norman S. Fletcher (Retired), JAMS
- Hon. Jonathan C. Peters (Former), JAMS
- Lynn Roberson, Swift Currie McGhee & Hiers, LLP
Resolving Workplace Disputes: Why Mediation Work
11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (1 CLE/1 Trial Practice/1 Professionalism)
Panelists will discover recommended approaches for resolving employment law disputes.
- Moderator: Terrence Lee Croft, JAMS
- Matt Billips, Billips & Benjamin, LLP
- Patricia Griffith, Ford & Harrison, LLP
- F. Carlton King, Jr., JAMS
- Rick Warren, Ford & Harrison, LLP
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
JAMS Atlanta Resolution Center
1201 W. Peachtree St., NW
Suite 2650
Atlanta, GA 30309
For more information or to register, visit