Building a Better Future Together
Sponsored by: NAWL (National Association of Women Lawyers)
March 5, 2015
This comprehensive and rich program is relevant to women in all fields of legal practice. The program includes a mix of professional development and substantive sessions, as well as plenty of networking time. View the agenda for more information on keynote and other speakers.
Topic: How to Make Arbitration Clauses Work for You
March 5, 2015 | 10:45 AM
Spotlight on JAMS Moderator & Panelist: Elizabeth Carter, VP East/Central Region; Hon. Julia M. Nowicki (Ret.)
Arbitration can be an efficient and effective means of resolving disputes. Unfortunately, there are several reasons why this isn’t always the case, starting with a failure to include key details when crafting an arbitration clause. This program will discuss several considerations for transactional attorneys, in-house counsel and litigators when drafting and interpreting arbitration clauses including guidance on how a well-tailored clause can give parties more control over the process and make arbitration more economical, final and appropriate for your specific purpose. Special attention will also be paid to what types of disputes are—and are not—best suited to arbitratio
Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 East Wacker Drive,
Chicago, IL 60601
For further details and to register, please visit the NAWL event page.