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Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration

Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration

Effective Advocacy and Management in Arbitration
Presented by: CCA, JAMS, DC Bar, AAA
May 14, 2015
| 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Join an exceptional group of arbitrators, all Fellows of the College of Commercial Arbitrators, for a day of practical insights into managing the arbitration process.  Litigators, arbitrators, corporate counsel and business professionals will learn from leading experts in the field of commercial arbitration a variety of tips and techniques for each of the major phases of the arbitration process.
Topics covered will include:

  • Best Practices and Protocols
  • Choosing the Process
  • Pre-Hearing Preparation
  • The Efficient Hearing
  • Awards
  • Ethical Obligations of Arbitrators and Advocates
  • Trends in Arbitration

Panelists will include:

  • Sandra Tvarian Stevens, Weiley Rein, LLP
  • Deborah Rothman, President, College of Commercial Arbitrators
  • Nancy F. Lesser, PAX ADR
  • Judith B. Ittig, Ittig & Ittig
  • Hon. Richard A. Levie (Ret.), JAMS
  • John R. Holsinger, John R. Holsinger, LLC
  • P. Jean Baker, American Arbitration Association

D.C. Bar Conference Center
1101 K Street, NW
Washington, DC  20005

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