2018 ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference
Presented By: ABA Section of Dispute Resolution
About the EventDevelop your skills and learn from leading experts in the field. The conference agenda includes excellent programming on mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and specialty practice areas all geared toward making you a better Dispute Resolution professional. Whether you are new to dispute resolution practice or have been practicing for decades, the 2018 ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference has something for you. The JAMS Warren Knight Award will be presented on Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 6:00 PM. CreditCLE credit is available. |
Date / TimeApril 4 - 7, 2018 |
LocationWashington Hilton |
JAMS Featured Speakers
Speaker |
Topic |
David G. Heiman, Esq. Hon. Gerald E. Rosen (Ret.) Hon. Steven Rhodes (Ret.) |
The Detroit Bankruptcy: The Power of Mediation Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET The City of Detroit has emerged from the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history as a model of urban renewal and an example of the power of mediation. The City’s bankruptcy proceedings may also be a model for municipalities in current difficulty. Retired Judges Steve Rhodes and Jerry Rosen—best known for their roles in presiding over and mediating Detroit’s 2013 bankruptcy—will explore key issues in that case together with David Heiman, lead counsel for the City, with a focus on how mediation enabled creative problem solving and resulted in an agreed upon plan of adjustment in record time. |
Jerry Cohen, Esq. |
Using ADR to Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes |
Hon. Janice M. Symchych (Former) |
What Does a Prepared Counsel/Client Team Look Like? Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET Settling major litigation takes work. Hear from a full-time mediator and former US Magistrate Judge, a corporation litigation head, and a deeply experienced outside counsel about what they do to "prethink the end-game." The session will cover preparing the mediator, internal damages and risk analyses, securing settlement authority, preparation of clients including reality checks and seeing the other side's positions, preparing for and avoiding impasse, and holding the deal together through the documentation process. Moderate Q and A from the audience included. |
Barbara Reeves, Esq. R. Wayne Thorpe, Esq. |
Using Mediation and Arbitration in Healthcare Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET The panelists are active neutrals throughout the US, devoting a substantial part of their practice to healthcare cases. They will provide an analysis of dispute needs and concerns particular to healthcare and an overview of the many different kinds of healthcare cases they handle including provider/payor reimbursement disputes; False Claims Act cases; disputes between hospitals and physicians involving employment, contracts with physician groups, and other emerging deals; M&A contracts; and risk management controversies with insurers and patient safety claims. |
Linda R. Singer, Esq. Michael K. Lewis, Esq. |
Balance and Efficiency in Design: The Many Touch Points for Dispute Resolution and Procedural Justice in the Settlement of a Class Action Race Discrimination Case Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM ET This program discusses an innovative claims resolution process. In the wake of Walmart, Professor Lynn Cohn faced the task of disbursing one of the largest race discrimination class action settlements in an efficient yet individualized manner. In less than one year, she disbursed claims to the 81% of class members participating. Her process included both a simple claims form with expedited disbursement and a detailed claims form and individualized interview with increased procedural justice benefits. Moderator Michael Lewis will lead a discussion among Special Master Lynn Cohn, Lead Class Counsel Linda Friedman, Mediator Linda Singer, and class representatives about the many aspects of this case including class action waivers and mandatory arbitration clauses, procedural justice, dispute resolution systems design, and the role of special master and neutrals. |
Hon. Curtis E. von Kann (Ret.) Vivien B. Shelanski, Esq. |
How to Succeed in Arbitration (By Really Trying): How Good Lawyers Win Arbitrations and How Good Arbitrators Decide Them Friday, April 6, 2018 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM ET Arbitration and litigation are different processes. Advocacy techniques that are effective in court are often failures in arbitration. And arbitrators can and should approach decision-making differently than judges. This program will explore the key components of successful arbitration advocacy and decision-making. |
Marvin E. Johnson, Esq. |
How the Preference for Third Party Decision Making and Substantive Expertise in "Major" Cases Fosters Bias in Neutral and Process Selection Friday, April 6, 2018 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM ET Overconfidence and a "clash of cultures" may explain why many lawyers and litigants (before they experience a dispute resolution process) appear to favor neutrals who have substantive expertise and who use adjudicative and evaluative interventions. This workshop will explore how those pre-process preferences can clash with litigants' post-process perspectives and also can create additional barriers for qualified women and people of color who wish to serve as mediators in large complex commercial disputes. The workshop will explore what can be done in response, including public education, creation of incentives, procedural and policy changes, research, and reporting. |
Marvin E. Johnson, Esq. |
How the Preference for Third Party Decision Making and Substantive Expertise in "Major" Cases Fosters Bias in Neutral and Process Selection Friday, April 6, 2018 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM ET Overconfidence and a "clash of cultures" may explain why many lawyers and litigants (before they experience a dispute resolution process) appear to favor neutrals who have substantive expertise and who use adjudicative and evaluative interventions. This workshop will explore how those pre-process preferences can clash with litigants' post-process perspectives and also can create additional barriers for qualified women and people of color who wish to serve as mediators in large complex commercial disputes. The workshop will explore what can be done in response, including public education, creation of incentives, procedural and policy changes, research, and reporting. |
Kathleen Pierz |
The Global Pound Conference Series - What We Learned, What We Know, Where We Go Friday, April 6, 2018 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM ET Forty years after the first Global Pound Conference (GPC) introduced the idea of a Multi-Door Court House, the International Mediation Institute initiated the 2016-2017 Global Pound Conference Series in 29 cities, in 23 countries. Thousands participated, focusing on shaping the future of dispute resolution and providing access to justice. This series utilized real-time voting technology to allow participants to vote on 20 identical "Core Questions" for each event. The ensuing discussions and interactions in each city were as diverse as they were interesting. Join some of the organizers and panelists of the North American Series to find out what we learned, what we know and where we go. |
Lawrence R. Mills, Esq. |
What Are You Thinking Now? 25 Years and Counting: A Roundtable Perspective Discussion with Former Section Chairs Looking Back -- and Going Forward Friday, April 6, 2018 | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM ET In its 25 years of growth and development, the Section has undertaken numerous roles, projects and policies. This interactive 'fireside chat' with many of the former Section Chairs who now comprise the Distinguished Emeritus Committee of the Section will provide insight into its work, then, now and in the future. This session is also focused on interaction with all participants, and gathering input and additional perspectives as well. |
Elizabeth Carter, Esq. |
So You Want to Be a Mediator: How to Start and Develop a Practice Friday, April 6, 2018 | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM ET This will be a highly interactive program where the panel will provide best practices of starting and sustaining a mediation business. This program will guide participants through the process of developing a marketing plan, creating a business plan, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of joining an ADR organization and what to expect in the first years of practice. Lead by very experienced professionals in the ADR industry. Participants will get first-hand knowledge of how to start and sustain a practice as a neutral. |