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Academy of Court Appointed Masters 2018 Annual Meeting

Academy of Court Appointed Masters 2018 Annual Meeting

Academy of Court Appointed Masters 2018 Annual Meeting

Presented By: Academy of Court Appointed Masters

About the Event

ACAM is an independent organization of experienced masters who serve in both federal and state courts. Our mission is to provide judges, lawyers, parties, and other masters with helpful information regarding the use of masters.


CLE Credit Provided

Date / Time

April 12 - 14, 2018


Omni Royal Orleans Hotel
621 St. Louis St.
New Orleans, LA 70130


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JAMS Featured Speakers



Cathy Yanni

Special Mastering in MDLs and Mass Tort Cases
Friday, April 13, 2018 | 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

This panel of distinguished judges, experienced litigators and Special Masters will address the complexities and varied uses of Special Masters in MDL and mass tort litigation. The panel will address the use of Special Masters in areas such as discovery, assisting in the mediation of settlement, fashioning claims resolution programs and effective notice in the context of mass settlements, analyzing individual settlements, hearing appeals of treatment of claims in a settlement and the particular issues that arise with respect to the use of or actions of Special Masters in the context of claims of personal injury. The panel will discuss ‘best practices’ and how Special Masters can enhance the management and resolution of claims as well as ‘lessons learned’ that can help litigants and Special Masters avoid costly mistakes.

Hon. John P. Leopold (Ret.)

Special Master Ethics, Immunity, and Insurance Issues
Friday, April 13, 2018 | 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm

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