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Dispute Resolution: Is Mediation the Answer for Cyber Claim Disputes?

Dispute Resolution: Is Mediation the Answer for Cyber Claim Disputes?

Dispute Resolution: Is Mediation the Answer for Cyber Claim Disputes?

Presented by Global Cyber Institute

About the Event

As more and more companies seek the protection of cyber insurance, claim disputes are becoming more and more common. Recently courts have laid down harsh rulings on cyber coverage claims, which has unsettled many companies. As such, companies are beginning to look to alternate ways to ensure equitable outcomes with respect to their cyber coverage claims, and mediation, among others, is being pursued as a possible solution. This webinar examines some of the key features of a cyber insurance policy and common pitfalls that many policies contain. The program discusses the current trend of mediating cyber claim disputes and provides important considerations for counsels to ensure that the best dispute resolution mechanism is employed in the event of a cyber incident.

Featured JAMS Speakers

Daniel B. Garrie, Esq.
Kimberly Taylor


1.0 CLE credit

Date / Time

Thursday, July 12, 2018
3:00 PM EDT




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