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A Proposed TAR Framework

A Proposed TAR Framework

Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS)

It’s time to have a candid conversation about the use of technology-assisted review (TAR) in litigation. There are inconsistent TAR standards and practitioners are weaponizing the use of TAR to the detriment of litigants and the courts. During this webinar, moderated by former US Magistrate Judge and noted Special Master James Francis, Kirkland & Ellis partner Michelle Six and Redgrave partner Christine Payne, will explore a proposed path forward that may reduce cost and contention so that practitioners may take advantage of the efficiency that TAR is intended to provide to litigants. Learn how to skip costly preemptive negotiations about TAR protocols in favor of a straightforward, objective process that parties may implement on any review process.

Featured JAMS Speaker: Hon. James C. Francis IV

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