This intensive, two-day workshop (8:30 am -5:30 pm each day) on negotiation and mediation is for one who wants to improve his/her negotiation, mediation and advocacy skills. The workshop is intended for those with experience in negation and mediation.
The workshop will present cutting edge strategies for successful negotiation and advocacy and will provide insight on how to mediate difficult disputes. The presenters will discuss methods to resolve issues on their merits rather than through a haggling process. They will highlight strategies to employ which will allow you to be fair while negotiating, but will prevent you from being taken advantage of because of your fairness.
- Common Elements of Successful Negotiation Strategy
- Separating Yourself From An Average Negotiator
- Mock Negotiations
- Mediation and Dispute Resolution
- Being a Successful Mediator
- Mediation: Introduction, Winning Strategies and Goals
- Managing the Mediation
- Handling Difficult Situations
- Facilitative vs. Evaluative Methods of Mediation
- Arbitration
- Strategies for Success
JAMS Featured Speakers
Hon. Wayne R. Andersen (Ret.)
Hon. Morton Denlow (Ret.)
Hon. James Holderman (Ret.)