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“How To” Webinar for Conducting Virtual Depositions and Mediation During Social Distancing


“How To” Webinar for Conducting Virtual Depositions and Mediation During Social Distancing

Presented by CAALA – Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles

Conducting in-person depositions and mediation at this time is unsafe and likely violates numerous State and Federal distancing laws. For those who have heard of, but not yet conducted virtual depositions and mediation, please join us for this informative “How To” webinar. Speakers include specialists for both virtual depositions and virtual mediation. This webinar will provide the information needed to access this technology to get started right away.

Topics for Both Deposition and Mediation will Include:

1. Working with Opposing Counsel

2. How it Works and Available Options

3. Technology and Equipment Required

4. “How To” Set Up Your Deposition or Mediation

5. Preparing Your Client

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