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ICC Webinar: The Challenges of Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Issues in International Arbitration and the Anticipated ICC Rules Changes

ICC Webinar: The Challenges of Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Issues in International Arbitration and the Anticipated ICC Rules Changes

Presented by ICC International Court of Arbitration

This event will feature an interactive roundtable discussion of the challenges faced by parties and the ICC Court in cases involving multi-party and multi-contract disputes and ways in which the upcoming revisions to the ICC Rules of Arbitration ("ICC Rules") regarding joinder, consolidation, and the constitution of the arbitral tribunal address these issues.

With more than 30% of ICC cases involving multiple parties and many times multiple contracts, the discussion will notably feature fact patterns from disputes from various industries illustrating the challenges encountered by parties and the ICC Court since the ICC, first among leading arbitral institutions, introduced provisions on joinder and consolidation in 2012. The panel will then examine how the upcoming amendments to these provisions may further facilitate multiparty arbitrations and allow parties to resolve all issues in dispute in the same arbitration rather than in related parallel proceedings, thereby helping parties save time and costs. A brief run-through of other key amendments will also take place.

Featured JAMS Speaker:
Laura C. Abrahamson, Esq., FCIArb

Featured People

Laura C. Abrahamson, Esq., FCIArb
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