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Tips & Techniques to Succeed with Virtual ADR

Tips & Techniques to Succeed with Virtual ADR

Presented by Santa Clara County Bar Association

Credit: CLE Credit Available

Video conferences and conference calls are tools familiar to the legal community. Now more than ever, we find ourselves using these tools in new ways, including to successfully resolve disputes of all kinds. Join a panel discussion to learn more about how you can use virtual ADR in your practice.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Preparing for virtual ADR: technical requirements, administrative assistance,
    practice sessions, and optimizing professional appearance online.
  • Effective advocacy in an online environment: Reading the “virtual” room,
    effective communication, client control, and momentum building techniques.
  • Tools for virtual proceedings: breakout rooms, group chats, screen sharing,
    document exchange, executing the settlement agreement.
  • Confidentiality and privacy safeguards

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