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USC-JAMS International Arbitration Symposium V – Bridging the Common and Civil Law Chasm


USC-JAMS International Arbitration Symposium V – Bridging the Common and Civil Law Chasm

Presented by JAMS & USC Gould School of Law

CLE Conference Credit: 6.0 Hours MCLE Credit Provided

Join us for an in-depth analysis of pertinent issues surrounding international arbitration. Experienced practitioners and experts in the field will cover topics that include settlement promotion by international arbitrators, choosing a seat for arbitration hearings in a politically divided world, the Singapore Convention, and more.

 General Admission: $145 ($195 after March 1, 2020)
JAMS Professionals & Program Sponsors: $125 ($175 after March 1, 2020)
Active Judges: $95
Government & Non-Profit: $75

*Online registration will end on Wednesay, March 6, 2020 at 5:00pm

JAMS Featured Speakers

Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00am – 9:15am

Richard Chernick

International Mediation & The Singapore Convention 
1:45pm – 3:00pm

Howard Miller  (Moderator)
Hiro Aragaki (Panelist)
Peter Rosen (Panelist)


A Debate about Common and Civil Law Issues – Choosing a Seat of Arbitration in a Politically Divided World
3:15pm – 4:30pm

Lorraine Brennan (Panelist)

Featured People

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