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Virtual Employment Mediation: The New Norm


Virtual Employment Mediation: The New Norm

Presented by JAMS

Webinar CLE Credit: 1.25 TX MCLE credits, including 0.25 Ethics

Webinar Recording: LINK
Reading Materials: LINK

The program will provide attorneys with information on how virtual labor and employment mediations can be conducted remotely and electronically with counsel and parties spread throughout the world, not just during the current pandemic but on an ongoing basis. The speakers are experienced employment lawyers who recognize the new laws impacting the workforce and the legal issues that keep counsel awake at night thinking about how to best represent their employer and employee clients. The ethical issues of confidentiality and security with sensitive medical information (HIPAA) will be addressed.

Featured Speakers 

Cecilia Morgan, Esq., JAMS

W. Gary Fowler, Esq., Jackson Walker

Joseph H. Gillespie, Esq., Gillespie Sanford LLP

Featured People

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