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2021 Virtual MidYear Retired Judges Conference


2021 Virtual MidYear Retired Judges Conference

Presented by California Judges Association

JAMS will be sponsoring the upcoming California Judges Association's 2021 Virtual MidYear/Retired Judges Conference. JAMS Neutral, Hon. James P. Kleinberg (Ret.) will be speaking on a panel about retirment options for judges. This conference will also feature sessions on important updates in civil, criminal and family law, as well as a series of sessions focused on mindfulness and wellness

Featured JAMS Speaker

Hon. James P. Kleinberg (Ret.)
Retirement Options for Every Judge 
Friday, March 5, 2021 | 12:20 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Program Description: Consideration for Retirement requires a plan. To create a plan, one must know the available options in (1) Private Judging; (2) Assigned Judge Program; (3) Fun and Relaxation.

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