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Conflict Resolution Conference 2022: Reimagining Space(s)

Conflict Resolution Conference 2022: Reimagining Space(s)

Presented by The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia (CLEBC), Mediate BC, and CoRe Conflict Resolution Society

Continuing Legal Education Society of BC (CLEBC), Mediate BC, and CoRe Conflict Resolution Society are co-hosting a unique three-day conflict resolution conference built around the theme "Reimagining Space(s)."

Please join JAMS neutral Jeffrey G. Benz, Esq., FCIArb, CEDS who will be a speaker on a panel which will discuss Deal Mediation on Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 9:55-10:45 am PDT.

As we transition from a world of work-from-home orders and increased use of online tools for conflict resolution to a new understanding of where and how conflict emerges and can be addressed, conflict resolution professionals are reflecting on new best practices. We are re-examining assumptions about the value of face-to-face mediation and seeking to better understand the ways in which we can combine in-person and online tools to support clients in conflict.

However, the disruptions in our practices over the past two years have also led to reflection on broader questions around conflict resolution spaces. How do we create inclusive spaces? How do we make space for self-represented clients?

Invited presenters will lead discussions about transforming workplaces and workplace relationships, making space for a new generation of collaborative professionals, public works in public spaces, creating ethical spaces, and even outer space!

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