Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4x23
Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. 800 of the world’s best in OT and ICS Security came back to S4x22. Now S4x23 is coming back bigger and better.
Featured JAMS Session:
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Legal Security for ICS
Thursday, February 16, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Mr. Garrie will offer attendees legal language, scenarios demonstrating why and when such language is appropriate/necessary, and offer “war stories” giving context to the above concepts.
Featured JAMS Speaker:
Daniel B. Garrie, Esq.
Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. 800 of the world’s best in OT and ICS Security came back to S4x22. Now S4x23 is coming back bigger and better.
Featured JAMS Session:
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Legal Security for ICS
Thursday, February 16, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Mr. Garrie will offer attendees legal language, scenarios demonstrating why and when such language is appropriate/necessary, and offer “war stories” giving context to the above concepts.
- Contract language regarding representation and warranties re: security controls and ICS.
- Incident notification language for ICS owners, operators, and vendors that should be inserted in agreements/contracts.
- Cybersecurity insurance coverage language in agreements (vendor/owners/operators) re: use and deployment of ICS.
Featured JAMS Speaker:
Daniel B. Garrie, Esq.