JAMS Mediation Week: Experience and Best Practices in Mediation
The American Bar Association has dedicated the third week in October as “Mediation Week.” This year’s theme, “Making a World of Difference,” focuses on how practitioners are bridging differences in positions, perspectives and people through mediation. In celebration of the American Bar Association’s Mediation Week, Schiff Hardin is teaming up with JAMS on a free breakfast CLE presentation, in the format of a roundtable discussion among panelists and attendees.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
JAMS Atlanta Resolution Center
1201 W. Peachtree, NW
Suite 2650
Atlanta, GA 30309
Wayne Thorpe, a JAMS mediator and arbitrator, will moderate this CLE. Participants in the program will include JAMS panelists Judge Brenda Cole, Justice Norman Fletcher, and Ralph Levy, as well as Justice Leah Sears.
In particular, we will address the following topics along with others that attendees may raise:
- Now that you’ve filed your mediation, how can you best prepare for it?
- Getting a derailed mediation back on track.
- Okay, so we’ve reached an agreement in principle. Now what?
RSVP to Meghan Koransky at 404-566-2154 or mkoransky@jamsadr.com.