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JAMS ADR Insights

Higher Education & Title IX JAMS Solutions - General

Spotlight On Higher Education: Robin H. Gise, Esq.

Why did you decide to join JAMS? Early in my legal career, I attended a mediation of an employment dispute at JAMS. I knew then that I was interested in pursuing a career as a neutral and that my skills and interests would be best served by a career in ADR rather than as a litigator. However, I also wanted the experience of being a lawyer, and I practiced labor and employment law for 10 years. When I was ready to make the transition into an ADR career, I worked with some neutrals at JAMS to gain experience and to learn from the best. I also started mediating cases through courtannexed programs and developing a labor arbitration practice. Joining JAMS was the culmination of these efforts.

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Higher Education

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