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JAMS ADR Insights

Health Care Mediation

Resolving Telemedicine Disputes through Mediation

As Telemedicine Booms, Mediation May be the Right Prescription for Disputes

Let’s begin with two truths: First, we are digital. In nearly every aspect of our lives, we rely on electronic communications. We have come to expect instant answers in practically every professional, consumer and social interaction. The pandemic has dramatically accelerated this digitalization in every part of our daily existence. What was an evolution in digital trends that might have taken decades to develop has—in the span of a single year—permanently changed how we live, work and learn.

Second, we want better (and quicker) access to reliable health care. Several factors are driving this. The world is getting older. A growing elderly population is increasing society’s demands on medical care. The Affordable Care Act makes basic health care available to most of us. With greater access comes greater demand. In addition, COVID-19 has sent our health care system into a tailspin. The pandemic dramatically intensified our appetite and need for immediate access to more intensive medical testing and care, which put further strain on an already challenged system.

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