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Cross-Fertilization of Best Practices Recommendations by ComFed and the DR Section for Improving Dispute Resolution in the Courts and in Arbitration

Cross-Fertilization of Best Practices Recommendations by ComFed and the DR Section for Improving Dispute Resolution in the Courts and in Arbitration

Cross-Fertilization of Best Practices Recommendations by ComFed and the DR Section for Improving Dispute Resolution in the Courts and in Arbitration

Presented By: New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) Commercial and Federal Litigation Section and Dispute Resolution Section

About the Event

Panel topics for this full-day CLE program include:

  • What the Litigation World Has Been Doing to Improve the Courts —and What the Arbitration World Can Learn from Those Efforts
  • What the Arbitration World Has Been Doing to Improve Arbitration—and What the Courts Can Learn from Those Efforts
  • Electronic Discovery—The Current State of Play as to the Scope of Electronic Discovery in the Courts and in Arbitration: What the Rules Say and What is Actually Happening
  • Search for a Solution—How the Arbitration World and the Courts Can Keep ESI Within the Limits of Proportionality, Efficiency and Economy
  • What the Institutions Can Do to Foster the Objective of Expeditious and Economical Dispute Resolution in Arbitration and in the Courts

This program qualifies for up to 7.5 MCLE Credits in Professional Practice; this program qualifies for newly admitted attorneys.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Program: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST

Fordham Law School, Costantino RM 2-02
150 W 62nd St.
New York, NY 10023

Learn More About the Event & Register Now >>



JAMS Featured Speakers

Hon. Ariel E. Belen (Ret.)

What the Arbitration World Has Been Doing to Improve Arbitration—and What the Courts Can Learn from Those Efforts
Monday, March 13, 2017 | 11:05 AM - 12:45 PM EST

This panel will discuss the various reports and efforts of the Dispute Resolution Section and of other parts of the arbitration world to improve commercial arbitration and particularly to make it more expeditious and economical—and then will turn to the subject of what the courts can learn from these efforts by the arbitration world to aid the courts to improve the handling of individual cases in the courts.

Hon. Carolyn E. Demarest (Ret.)

Hon. Frank Maas (Ret.)

Search for a Solution—How the Arbitration World and the Courts Can Keep ESI Within the Limits of Proportionality, Efficiency and Economy
Monday, March 13, 2017 | 3:15 AM - 4:15 PM EST

This panel will take the discussion of Panel 3 one step further: It will involve a discussion not only of how electronic discovery is handled today in the courts and in arbitration, but also of how we can improve the handling of such discovery, both in the courts and in arbitration, in order to deliver more expeditious and economical justice in both forums.
Matthew York What the Institutions Can Do to Foster the Objective of Expeditious and Economical Dispute Resolution in Arbitration and in the Courts
Monday, March 13, 2017 | 4:15 AM - 5:15 PM EST

This panel will attempt to pull together the entire day’s discussion, from the perspective of arbitration providers and the courts, as to what steps can be taken by those institutions to improve the administration of justice in commercial cases in both types of forums.

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