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ACR-GNY Virtual Conference: 2020 Focus Forward


ACR-GNY Virtual Conference: 2020 Focus Forward

Presented by Association for Conflict Resolution – Greater New York Chapter (ACR-GNY)

CLE Conference Webinar Credit: CLE Credit Available

Celebrating 20 years of ACR-GNY as we prepare for ADR’s new frontier. Join us to celebrate this year’s ACR-GNY Achievement Award honorees, Commissioner Ana Bermúdez and Professor Baruch Bush, for their many contributions to -- and deep support for -- the field of conflict resolution at our 2020 Conference!

JAMS Featured Speaker

Nancy Kramer
Co-Mediating: Why? When? How?
Friday, 5/29/2020 | 1100 AM -  12:00pm EDT

Co-mediating is a useful option for certain cases and one which is under-utilized. It is not even considered by many mediators, including experienced ones. If used appropriately, thoughtfully and with good preparation, it is an excellent additional tool for the kit we all rely on. This presentation will explore the pros and cons of co-mediating. It will explore how best to decide which cases are appropriate; how to choose co-mediators and how to make the collaboration work. Robyn Weinstein who manages all ADR programs for the United States Eastern District Court will join Ms. Kramer and discuss her use of co-mediation as a training for new mediators. Q & A will be included.

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