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NYSBA Commercial And Federal Litigation Section Spring Meeting 2021

NYSBA Commercial And Federal Litigation Section Spring Meeting 2021

Presented by the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) Commercial & Federal Litigation Section and Committee On Continuing Legal Education

CLE Webinar Credit: 4.0 NY CLE Credits Available (1.0 Professional Practice; 1.0 Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias; 1.0 Ethics and Professionalism; 1.0 Skills)
Join Hon. Henry Pitman (Ret) and Vivien B. Shelanski, Esq. alongside the NYSBA Commercial & Federal Litigation Section for a series of programs designed to assist a cross-section of NYSBA members in moving their careers forward. Whether you are on the cusp of your career or well-established in the New York-legal community, these programs offers insight and skills to help you better serve your clients, increase your knowledge, and help you spring forward in your career.

Featured JAMS Speakers: 

The Path to Arbiter: Tips for the Litigator and Jurist Looking for a Second Act as Neutral
Thursday, May 6 | 4:00 - 5:00 PM EST | 0.5 Skills Credit & 0.5 Professional Practice Credit
Moderator: Jaclyn M. Ruggirello | Farrell Fritz, PC
Hon. Henry Pitman (Ret) | JAMS
Vivien B. Shelanski, Esq. | JAMS

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