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Cybersecurity CLE Panel

Cybersecurity CLE Panel

Presented by the HNBA Litigation and Dispute Resolution Section

CLE Webinar Diversity Credit: 1.0 CLE Credits
Join HNBA Litigation and Dispute Resolution section Co-Chairs Hon. Ariel E. Belen (Ret.) and Katherine Coba for the second section meeting of the season. Section updates will be provided during this meeting, along with a special CLE program on Cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity CLE: 
With cybersecurity attacks on the rise, it is imperative that attorneys be informed of practical ways to keep client and case-related information safe. Join us for a panel discussion by legal professionals on the importance of implementing best practices to assess and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

In this webinar, the panel will discuss:
  • Understanding and using security measures at your law firm. 
  • Common cybersecurity threats to look out for.
  • Remote work best practices. 
  • Tips on how to prepare and test a cyber incident response plan.



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