COMFED Spring 2024 Meeting
JAMS neutrals Robin H. Gise, Esq. and Hon. Henry Pitman (Ret.) will each be featured in a panel discussion during the COMFED Spring 2024 Meeting. Ms. Gise will join the panel discussion “Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health and Success in Litigation” on Saturday, May 18th and Judge Pitman will speak on the “Privilege Issues in Litigation: A Master Class” panel on Sunday, May 19th. See information on both panels below:
Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health and Success in Litigation
Litigators are among the most anxious and depressed lawyers in the profession. Among their many stressors, litigators must deal with conflict every day and they often lack meaningful control over their schedules since they are at the mercy of demanding adversaries and court schedules.
This panel will hold a candid and thorough discussion of how litigators at all stages of practice can become aware of and work to increase their emotional intelligence and mindfulness of mental health issues to become better colleagues, more effective advocates and happier professionals.
The panel will suggest practical steps and professional development training that firms can provide to its litigators.
1.0 Credit in Law Practice Management
- Robin H. Gise, Esq., Mediator & Arbitrator, JAMS
- Dan Lukasik, Esq., NYS Judicial Wellness Coordinator, Crestos – Lawyers With Depression
Privilege Issues in Litigation: A Master Class
Most practitioners can readily rattle off the technical definitions of work product and attorney-client communication privileges, but the issue of what is and is not privileged can become very difficult to determine when lawyers are involved in business decisions (and business professionals are involved in legal decisions), internal investigations pivot from private internal events to evidence on which a party wants to rely, and co-defendants want to share litigation strategies between them, to name a few thorny situations. This panel will consider these and other complex and often unsettled issues in privilege law.
1.5 Credit in Skills
- Jonathan Fellows, Esq., Partner, Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC
- Hon. Melissa Crane, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County, Commercial Division
Disclaimer: The content is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you require legal or professional advice, please contact an attorney.