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JAMS Supports the ABA’s Planned Early Dispute Resolution Project

General Announcements

Irvine – JAMS is proud to announce its support of the American Bar Association’s Planned Early Dispute Resolution Project (PEDR) in an effort to help parties and lawyers develop an alternative process to resolve disputes.

In 2011, the ABA Dispute Resolution Section appointed the Planned Early Dispute Resolution Task Force to promote PEDR by lawyers and clients and to take advantage of ADR services and neutrals at the earliest appropriate time.

PEDR is a framework for using a variety of dispute resolution processes, including direct negotiation, standing neutrals, mediation, arbitration and hybrid processes tailored for particular disputes.

“PEDR enables parties and their lawyers to resolve disputes as early as reasonably possible, something JAMS is happy to promote,” said Chris Poole, JAMS president and CEO. “PEDR aims to save time and money and reduce litigation risks and we were thrilled to have been a part of this project.”

The Task Force recently developed a user guide to help parties and lawyers develop and use a PEDR process tailored to the needs of each party. The guide focuses particularly on the needs of businesses, though some of the material can be adapted for lawyers representing other types of clients. To review the user guide, please click here.

A comprehensive PEDR system includes:

  • General plans for preventing and resolving disputes
  • Early warning systems for issues that may lead to disputes
  • Identification and monitoring of disputes
  • Early case assessments to determine the best way to manage each dispute
  • Efficient and effective procedures for handling and resolving disputes

The Task Force also developed PowerPoint presentations and a short podcast, which you can find here.

Media Contact

For further information, please contact:

Kristine Snyder

JAMS Director, Public Relations & Content 

+1 949-224-4614 (Direct Dial)

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